Frequently Asked Questions

Is City Water available throughout Livingston?
Yes, anywhere within the city limits.

Does the Town of Livingston offer garbage pick-up?
Yes, we have free garbage pick-up for all residential areas within the city limits.

What are advantages to living inside the city limits versus outside the city limits?
Weather alert system, cheaper water rates, free mowing of vacant lots, better ISO rating for fire protection, garbage pick-up, leaf pick-up, maximum 5 minute response time from city police

When is City Hall open? 
Monday – Friday 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM

Does Livingston have a city park?
Yes,  we have two city parks, Livingston City Park and Central Park. We have 6 baseball/softball fields with every age group participating. Our park also has a swimming pool, tennis courts, basket ball court, walking track, and playground. We also have the Willard Winningham Memorial Park with an Outdoor Amphitheater adjoining it.